Send Network women bring gospel hope to military families
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In Montreal, streets are named after saints, and corners are covered with churches. However, these signs of Christian influence only tell part of the story. While this Canadian city was once heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, Christianity has become more of a historical reference than a lifestyle of faith.
The Catholic Church once controlled much of the government in this Quebec province city. In the 1960s and 70s, political changes ushered in the Quiet Revolution, shifting the power to govern healthcare and education away from the Catholic Church and into the hands of the provincial government.
Today, most of the Quebecois population in Montreal, as well as in the broader Quebec province, see Catholicism as part of their cultural heritage and nothing more. But we are praying and working toward change in the spiritual climate. We are also beginning to see breakthroughs thanks to the work of God’s Spirit and to the incredible support offered by partnering churches.
Overall the Quebec province is 0.5 percent evangelical, and Montreal is 0.7 percent. These numbers reflect the sad truth: the natives and residents here—dubbed the Quebecois—are the least-reached people group in North America. This makes the city a prime area for focused ministry efforts and church planters. In fact, recent church planting efforts here are garnering interest from the locals.
The network of churches and individual believers rallying around this city is growing stronger. They are praying for people to come help share the light of Christ, for streets and church buildings to ring with the truth and love. Now is the time for change.
From planting a church to partnering with those already on mission in Montreal, you and your church can make a difference; connect with us to learn how.
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