Baptist Associations

The role of the Associational Mission Strategist (AMS) is unique. You may serve in a large city or a rural area. You may be full-time, bivocational or volunteer. We are here to help you be effective as you help pastors and churches in your association to fulfill the Great Commission in their context.

Contact Associational Relations

Annual Events


AMS Replant Practitioner Training + Advanced Track

Churches across North America face important challenges and an ever-shifting landscape. Local associations are on the front lines serving these congregations and are leading the way. The Replant Team hosts a two-day intensive training designed by AMS/DOMs, especially for AMS/DOMs, to experience an interactive training on church replanting aimed at leading struggling churches back to health and vitality.

SBC 2019

AMS Excellence Summit

The AMS Excellence Summit is a peer-led training that brings the finest practitioners together to inspire, train and fellowship with their fellow strategists. This two-day event is centered around skillset improvement, leadership development and relationship building among fellow AMS. Our 2024 theme is Heart and Mind: Leading Organizational Change with Balance. Note: While our February event is for AMS and pastor teams, this event is an AMS/DOM-only event. To register for the September 12-13, 2024 Summit, click here.


2024 Associational Week of Prayer Materials

NAMB Associational Greeting

Download a greeting from Kevin Ezell to share in your associational meeting. (The password is NAMB)


NAMB Annual Ministry Report

2023 Yearly Ministry Report

Download NAMB's latest annual Ministry Report to include in your associational report.

AMS Excellence pod

AMS Excellence Podcast

We are working on future podcast episodes and will let you know when new ones are available. In the meantime, listen to previous podcast videos here