Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter
Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter Read More »
A walk around Boston is like seeing the pages of a history book come to life. Storied landmarks from America’s past seem to lie around every corner, bearing witness to the men and women who made an impact on this city as well as the nation. The Boston of today follows in that tradition, acting as hub for education and technology, a pool of talent from which the next generation of history makers will emanate.
Home to Harvard, MIT, more than 250,000 college students and a thriving international community, Boston has become a crucial stop for young professionals before they move on to positions of influence and innovation all over the world. But if the pattern continues, most of these future leaders will leave the city without ever being touched by the influence of Jesus Christ.
“The need for more biblically-based churches in Boston is undeniable,” says Boston church planter Josh Wyatt. He and his family moved to the city in 2010 to plant Charles River Church. “The opportunity to influence the entire area of New England by serving in Boston is incredible.”
The opportunity to reach and guide a lost generation is here. Of the estimated 5.9 million people living in the metro area of Boston, the majority identify as Catholics. The second largest group is comprised of those who claim no religious affiliation. Many people live alone or individually, not as part of a family, and the number of single-parent families is high as well. The city is home to only 156 Southern Baptist congregations, which leaves the city with only one Southern Baptist church for every 38,179 people. With diverse neighborhoods and interests, Boston is a place where church planters and supporting churches can make a difference in the lives of people in need.
“Please pray we’ll see a rapidly growing number of church planters come to Boston to plant 100 life-giving churches by 2020 with at least one church plant in every one of Boston’s 24 neighborhoods,” says David Butler, Boston’s Send City Missionary. “There is a tremendous lack of churches all over the Boston metro area, and we want to remedy this by raising up church planters to plant evangelical churches all over our city.”
From planting a church to partnering with those already on mission in Boston, you and your church can make a difference; connect with us to learn how.
Send Boston offers church planting residencies in Boston for leaders who want to prepare for a role in church planting.
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