I am filled with awe how God renews churches that thought they were on their last breath – but God was about to breathe life into them.
We have brothers and sisters all over the world who are facing the same struggles that we are at home. Many pastors or churches are trying to tread water a little longer. Pastors all over this world faithfully preach God’s Word and love the flock they have been entrusted with, but are struggling with the reality their church may not survive another year.
Sometimes we can forget that serving the Lord in our church can be joyful. I have been there, disappointed after finding out that we, as a church, are not further along than I thought. Like many other pastors, I have prayed “Lord, help me survive another week.”
In early March, our church took a missionary trip to Mexico City. Days before leaving, the missionary in Mexico City set up a meeting with pastors there so I could share about church renewal.
When meeting with the pastors in Mexico City, I was able to see that the renewal movement is reaching the body of Christ in other countries. I witnessed firsthand that, for many pastors in Mexico City, renewal in their churches is not just a dream but a possibility.
I know this one thing is absolutely true: Whether we are in a large city, a rural town, or another country, God is not done!
Here are four lessons I learned from our mission in Mexico City.
1. Chris’s body is much bigger than we realize. At times I wonder how God will keep His promise that we will be his witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). As I read the Bible and articles, listen to a podcast, or go on a mission trips. I’m reminded that many are living out that promise now. Believers all over the world are taking the gospel to the world. The work is not finished, but it is in progress.
Pastor, are you in a normative-sized church saying, “We can’t do much”? I beg you today to not limit what God can do in your church to only the distance the church steeple is visible. Dream big, God-sized dreams. We have brothers all over the world tending to the flock, and we all have one thing in common: our continual dependence on God.
2. “Follow me” is not a suggestion but a command that requires obedience. Mark chapter 1 tells us of some men who, when Jesus called, left their nets immediately. They made their living as fishermen, yet they came to Jesus and He equipped them.
Pastor, there are no silver bullets. Nothing will ever substitute for you following Jesus, spending time with Jesus in prayer and His Word. I have cried with pastors who are tired and want to give up, and many of these men have one thing in common: Their cups are empty. But those cups were not empty from one day to another. Sometimes, it was the result of years of leaning on their own understanding, trusting their own ability, and following themselves. Let us follow Jesus together, let us lean on Jesus together, and together let us be obedient to His will. For some, let us relearn the basics. Let us return to our first love. When Jesus told these men to follow Him, they dropped their nets and followed.
3. There is somebody somewhere. I still remember the words a pastor spoke to me many years ago: “There are just not enough people who want to come to our church anymore.” I replied, “Wait! Not even one?”
Sadly, we want to stay inside the church building and have lost people to come to us. Remember: They are lost, and the Lord has chosen to use you and me to go find them. There is someone right now, somewhere in your community, who is yearning to hear the gospel. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands his people to go, but somehow we have stayed.
I was asked once how to grow a church, and my response was, “Go fishing.” The room was silent. How can a church grow if the pastor is out fishing? Remember, in Mark 1, Jesus did not stop after he said “Follow me.” He continued to say that when we follow him, he will make us fishers of men. Some of us will fish in oceans, others in ponds, and maybe some of us in creeks. No matter where you are, just make sure you are casting a line.
There may be times when the Lord allows us to fish with nets; other times, it’s with a single hook. But either way, our job is to cast, and He is the one who will change lives.
4. Finding joy in our church again. Pastor, our Lord has placed you strategically, whether in a big city or a rural town. Wherever you are, make sure to cast nets or hooks and be reminded of the joy of serving the Lord.
In Mexico City, I was overwhelmed with the joy of evangelism and reminded of the importance of discipleship. Since coming back home, I’m more aware of the need to cast a line. Finding joy in our church is a byproduct of finding joy in serving our Lord – by feeding his sheep and casting a line for those who are lost.
May we, in our journey of church renewal, be revived and refreshed as we constantly depend on Him.
Published March 22, 2025