Evaluating worship services
I have found there is a helpful way to evaluate the worship services of a particular …
I have found there is a helpful way to evaluate the worship services of a particular …
I remember the first Sunday I went in view of a call to the church we …
Replanting an existing church in my experience is a lot like turning the light switch off, …
Of the many rites of passage in ministry, receiving an anonymous letter that is critical of …
I’m regularly surprised, though I shouldn’t be, at the level of dysfunction, mean-spiritedness and sinfulness that …
One of the most difficult aspects of pastoring is seeing people you love, people whom you …
One of the shifts that seems to be taking place in the church today is in …
https://media.rawvoice.com/send_network_podcast/namb.s3.amazonaws.com/files/The_Replanters_Family-6_15_17%2C_4.00_PM.mp3 Listen in as Replanter Mark Hallock and his wife Jenna share insights in they have …
I am consistently asked about the circumstances surrounding weddings. What makes it permissible or not to …
The stress and anxiety that often accompanies visiting the sick can cause us to miss the …