Request a Speaker

Securing a Missionary Speaker

Thank you for being an advocate for missions and missionaries, evidenced by your desire to invite a missionary to speak to your church.

When making a speaker request from NAMB, please understand:

  • Your church will be responsible for covering the costs of transportation (driving mileage or airfare as well as local transport) and lodging/meals as required as well as any honorarium/love offering your church might choose to bless the missionary speaker with. (See FAQs below.)
  • You will be connected, via email address, with a field missionary leader as a potential missionary speaker for you to contact and invite. You will connect with them to determine their availability and outline the expectations you have for their assignment. If they are unable to accept your invitation, they will be able to suggest to you other NAMB-endorsed missionaries in their area for you to contact and invite.
  • Once you have made the connection and confirmed participation, we ask that you let us know who will be coming so we can do follow up with them in preparation and with you afterwards as needed.

How to Submit a Request

  • Review the following FAQs, which will help you understand expectations.
  • Complete and submit the Speaker Request form below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How soon should I start my efforts to secure a speaker?
    As soon as you have a date, up to a year away, submit your request and contact a speaker. If your request is submitted less than two months prior to the event, it is unlikely a speaker will be able to re-arrange his/her schedule to attend. In that case, see the speaker alternatives below in question 9.
  2. What criteria should I consider in selecting a speaker?
    First, determine the topic.  Active missionaries, retired missionaries and NAMB staff can speak on specific ministries or provide updates on how Cooperative Program and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® gifts are used.  You can choose from the list of speakers we will provide of those available in your geographic area.
  3. Who will be responsible for travel and related expenses?
    Most missionaries do not have a travel budget for speaking engagements. Be sure to discuss in advance with the speaker what you will provide for lodging, meals, and travel to and from your event. It is best to be prepared to fully cover those expenses.
  4. What are expectations for honorarium?
    Honorariums may be given to missionaries and are appreciated. If the missionary cannot accept for any reason, he/she will let you know. In regard to amount, consider the amount given to a visiting pastor or evangelist and give the same to the speaker.
  5. Who arranges for the speaker’s travel?
    Travel plans need to be discussed with the speaker in advance. Details should be provided as to whether you will pay for all costs up front or if the speaker will need to pay and then provide receipts to be reimbursed. Clearly communicate if there is a limit to the travel allowance amount.
  6. For lodging, which is preferred—hotel or host home?
    Hotels are preferred, however, sometimes a church may want to provide a host home.  If a home is considered, be sensitive to never create an environment that could be inappropriate. The speaker should not be at a residence alone with a member of the opposite sex who is not his/her spouse or direct family member. The same applies to meals and transportation.  If the speaker’s spouse and children are invited, accommodations and child care options need to be part of the discussion in advance.
  7. What does the speaker need to know about the expectations?
    • Event start and end time, location, topic, audience, etc.
    • Other groups the speaker will be expected to address such as children, youth, adult Sunday School classes, etc.
    • Audio/video equipment available for a video or presentation
    • If the event will be broadcast live or posted online at a later time
  8. What if the speaker or the church needs to cancel?
    Discuss with the speaker in advance how a cancellation needs to be handled in the event of illness, emergency, etc.
  9. What are alternatives to having a speaker on-site?
    • Use a NAMB video to highlight a ministry or missionary. Resources can be found at and Your missions leader may also want to contact the featured missionary for prayer requests. Those can be shared with your church members to write notes of encouragement to the missionary.
    • Schedule a video conference call. Missionaries are often available to talk with churches or groups via phone, Skype, or other online meeting options (Go To Meeting, Zoom, etc.). Schedule the call in advance with the speaker and be aware of differences in time zones.
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