Latest Prayer Requests (Print Version)

Each week, we feature prayer requests from our North American missions personnel and SBC chaplains. To get these requests from our missionaries and chaplains in your inbox each Wednesday, subscribe to our prayer newsletter.

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NAMB Prayer Requests

Gardith and I request your prayers that we would continue to hunger and thirst for Jesus. Pray also for growth in God’s work in Hollywood, Fla., as we’re tirelessly reaching out to the French and Creole speakers in our community.

I Prayed

Some of my family members are not walking with the Lord. Pray the Holy Spirit will soften their hearts and draw them to Him.

I Prayed

Pray for my family and my ministry.

I Prayed

Recently, we completed training for CarePortal. CarePortal is a system for churches to meet the needs of families in their city. When a worker visits a home and sees a family who needs a baby bed, diapers, or some other need, they can enter the need in CarePortal online, and churches that have completed the training can receive the notification. The need comes straight to the church and the church will deliver the item(s) to the family. We are the first county in our state to be involved with CarePortal, and there are only two churches in our city involved thus far. We also recently partnered with the pregnancy resource center in our city called Compass. Pray these opportunities will make Jesus known in our city.

I Prayed

Pray all South Asians in northwest Arkansas will know Christ and make Him known. Pray for the salvation of the South Asian families in Centerton and Bentonville. Pray for the healthy growth of the Family Church South Asians. Pray God will bring more kingdom-minded co-laborers for our team. Pray for endurance to be salt and light with a heavenly perspective.

I Prayed

Pray we will find a place of our own in which to meet on Sunday mornings. We presently meet on Sunday nights in another church’s facility. Also, pray God will give our members compassion for the lost. Pray we would have open doors for the gospel and more will be saved. Pray for spiritual growth and unity in our church.

I Prayed

We are so excited that we only need three more volunteers to be able to open a class for children 4–7 years old! Please join us in praying God will raise up more people who are passionate about teaching children, as well as for a core servant leader who feels called to direct our children’s ministry. Please keep in your prayers those who are serving overseas, including our brothers, John and Tramel. Please continue to pray for us as our pastors hold membership interviews with those interested in covenanting with the church. Pray according to 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Pray we remain humble and dependent on God’s grace. We want to remember that our own strength is insufficient, and we look to God alone for the grace He provides in our weaknesses.

I Prayed