Latest Prayer Requests (Print Version)

Each week, we feature prayer requests from our North American missions personnel and SBC chaplains. To get these requests from our missionaries and chaplains in your inbox each Wednesday, subscribe to our prayer newsletter.

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NAMB Prayer Requests

Over the past few weeks, I have been dealing with numerous kidney stones—16 stones over the past six weeks and nine of them the other Wednesday. Please pray for relief from all of this. Thanks.

I Prayed

Pray for guidance for the youth at our church. Most come from single parent, low-income families. Pray for our upcoming back-to-school bash on July 13 and a block party on July 17. Pray both events will be well attended and relationships will be made.

I Prayed

Pray for us as we transition to Oklahoma. Pray God will make the move smooth for us and our five small children. Pray God will prepare the harvest at the University of Oklahoma and raise up more monthly supporters.

I Prayed

Please pray for our upcoming Vacation Bible School. We are trying to reach families in our community. Pray God will bring families so we can connect with them and keep families in our church. Thank you!

I Prayed

Thanks for the prayers in advance. Please keep in prayer me, my family, the team and the church. Specifically, for this fall I need wisdom as I am leading and navigating our team. I need to be spiritually in tune with God more than ever. Pray for my wife, Lauren, and our three children, that we will rest well and be intentional with our efforts. Pray God will send laborers who will help lift up the vision and advance the kingdom forward. Pray for our finances this year so I can shift my bivocational schedule to more of a focus on leading ministry and not burning the candle at both ends. Pray our church team and family will be healthy spirit, soul and body. Praise God for our upcoming one-year anniversary in August.

I Prayed

Please pray for Seminole Fire Rescue and the family left behind by a member’s death by suicide. Please pray my church will open our campus to my firefighters’ funerals and meet other spiritual needs for those who are not connected to a church. Pray this welcome will bring gospel conversations and new church members. Also pray that my church accepts my ministry as a partner and God opens doors to more support for my ministry. Please also pray that I can build caring relationships with my firefighters in an effort to gain permission to share the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ in a non-threatening manner.

I Prayed

My friend, Charles, is greatly in need of prayers for healing. He has cancer that is spreading rapidly. Please pray for healing and peace for him and his wife.

I Prayed