Barriers of Brotherhood: Busyness & Priorities

Both planters and re-planters who are burdened to serve Jesus can find themselves extremely busy — with meetings, lunches, vision casting, fundraising, and team building. While each of these things are very much needed — and are great when kept in their proper perspective — if we are honest with ourselves, the busyness can leave us feeling lonely.

I’ll never forget the feeling of loneliness and abandonment that swept through my heart in the early stages of planting. Sharing these feelings with my wife and justifying why I did so much, I quickly realized that my wounds of loneliness and abandonment were self-inflicted. I was isolated not because I didn’t have anyone, but because I didn’t prioritize well and in turn misappropriated my time. This caused me to miss out on something that I truly believe each of us need — brotherhood!

To ensure you don’t fall into the same traps of misappropriated time and unhealthy busyness, make these three rhythms of life a priority:

1. Prioritize Discipleship

We often have the discipleship conversation with people in our churches, but do we lead by example when it comes to being a learner and follower of Jesus? In what ways do you prioritize discipleship? Shepherding the flock doesn’t take away your need to be shepherded. We must make it a priority to be poured into ourselves. Who do you spend time with? Who in your life are you accountable to? Prioritize discipleship!

2. Prioritize Fellowship

We’ve been bamboozled by the world into believing that independence is OK. We’ve been tricked into thinking that as long as we have Jesus, we don’t need anyone else. Don’t be fooled! We can’t just settle for a phone call here and there. We must make it a priority to have a friendly relationship, marked by ready communication and mutual understanding, with brothers who will encourage us to keep the faith. We grow in relationship by being present. Prioritize fellowship!

3. Prioritize Discipline

How do you plan your week? How organized are you? When you’re disciplined and understand the importance of togetherness, you will make time for it. It’s extremely important that we structure our time in a way that we are plugged into community. Prioritize discipline!

Remember this: Iron sharpens iron. If you desire to cut through the pressures of planting and pastoring, you must have regular rhythms that foster brotherhood. Don’t fall into the trap of misappropriated time and unhealthy busyness.

Published December 12, 2017