Principles and Practices of Church Planter Coaching: A MAP To Help New Coaches Send Well
Great coaches help leaders turn truth into action. Multiple voices speak into the lives of church planters as they attempt to live out God’s calling. Mentors, teachers, trainers, family and friends are all vital to the process. However, not all voices are good, and some might be good one day but bad the next. In a healthy church planting system, a coach is the asking voice. Coaches help church planters sort through multiple voices to hear God and take action. Sending Well: Principles and Practices of Church Planter Coaching is about creating a system to deliver great coaching to every church planter.
Principles and Practices of Church Planter Coaching is available in both English and Spanish. Submit the form below to receive a download link via email.
Principos y Prácticas de Coaching para el Plantador de Iglesias está disponible en inglés y español. Envíe el siguiente formulario para recibir un enlace para bajarlo gratuitamente por correo electrónico.
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