Public Service Endorser’s Update

By Brent Bond

Public Service Endorser

Brent Bond, Senior Director of Chaplaincy

“A person’s thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out.

(Proverbs 20:5, GNT)


In the Spring 2024 Chaplaincy newsletter, I shared two skills that promote a companioning presence:

  • Supportive, non-judgmental presence
  • Active, reflective listening skills

In this issue, I conclude with two additional companioning presence skills.

First, a chaplain should be aware of their ethos when supporting others. Modern studies have shown that people will determine if you are trustworthy within 50 milliseconds (about the time it takes to blink).

A chaplain’s first impression will have a lasting impression. Always pause before your next encounter and ask yourself: “How do I feel right now?” “What does my ‘resting face’ convey?” or “Do I have any blocking cues (i.e., crossed arms, clipboard)?” When meeting someone, especially for the first time, you must be aware of your cues since they present opening or closing signals for people to discern if they want to be with you.

Second, a chaplain should allow a person to tell and re-tell their story to establish a companioning presence. Telling a story, especially about ourselves, can also reveal the deepest parts of our hearts. Plus, listening to the stories of others breaks down barriers and helps to establish relationships.

A companioning presence is more than mere chaplaincy jargon. It is scripturally based and confirmed by numerous studies demonstrating how a physical companion helps others during difficult experiences. Try putting these skills into practice within your ministry context to experience a higher level of effectiveness.

Pray with us: Lord, we are fearfully and wonderfully made by You. Your works are wonderful. (Psa. 139:14). Since people matter to You, they matter to us. Help us to be with people while demonstrating love, compassion, dignity, and respect. Amen.

Recommended Resources:

  • Vanessa Van Edwards’ book, Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication (Portfolio/Penguin, 2022), explores the subtle cues that influence our communication.
  • For more insights, visit Science of People, a website with science-based communication tips that uncover the hidden forces that drive our behavior.

Information to know:

  • Chaplain Portal: Since January 2017, all missionaries’ and chaplains’ public profiles have been listed on the NAMB Missionaries and Chaplains portal. Every endorsed SBC chaplain has a basic and public profile through their chaplain portal. Please visit this website to set up your portal so it is current. Complete both “Basic Information” and “Public Profile.”
  • Chaplain Portal Widgets: Your portal provides a “one-stop shop” where you can update your contact information, complete your Quarterly Report, notify us of DR deployment, and request an endorsement update. Check out your portal here.
  • Chaplaincy Professional Development: Due to the aging “Boomer” generation, chaplaincy is expanding beyond the traditional hospital settings to elder care in various senior living settings. To be prepared for new chaplaincy ministry opportunities, consider specialized chaplaincy training in hospice, dementia, gerontology, or palliative care through various professional chaplaincy organizations.
  • Reminder: We require an SBC Chaplaincy endorsement for each chaplaincy ministry or professional organization you serve or associate with. SBC Chaplaincy endorsements are not universal since each category’s requirements differ. Contact our office to update your endorsement if your ministry setting, institution, certifying organization, or church membership has changed.
  • Promote chaplaincy within your church: Share a PDF of your Quarterly Report with your pastor or church leadership. They can celebrate what God is doing in your ministry and offer prayer support. Additionally, it will give you an excellent opportunity to inform them about chaplaincy as a missionary opportunity for other church members.

Published October 1, 2024

Brent Bond

Dr. Brent Bond, NAMB Senior Director of Chaplaincy, serves as the Public Service Endorser for Southern Baptist chaplains.