Richard Ryan Intro

By Richard Ryan

Greetings NAMB Chaplains! My name is Richard Ryan. I am excited to be the new Federal Endorser. Following 23 1/2 years as a Navy chaplain, I have retired and started the next chapter at NAMB. I am very humbled to be here, and I look forward to getting to know you more over the coming years. It has been great to see God work over the past few months as He guided me to this position. It is a long story that I am glad to share with you in person.

My bio has already been sent out, but what I am most proud of is my family. My career in the Navy would be nothing without the love and support from them. Melinda and I have been married for 27 years, and we have four children who are now 23, 21, 19, and 16.

At my retirement ceremony, I spoke from 1 Timothy 4:11-16. As I have thought about this passage over the years, I see it as Paul sharing his philosophy of ministry with Timothy. It is a powerful message and is what I have used as a basis for my philosophy of ministry. I wrote this years ago, but after over 28 years of ministry, it is still timely and relevant to how I want to serve.

I commit to:

  • Be an example: In my speech (what I say and how I live), love (my care and concern for all), faith (being true to my word and trustworthy), and purity (in my motives, in my thoughts, and in my actions).
  • Be a teacher: By devoting myself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching, and to teaching.
  • Be a learner: By not neglecting my gift. I will be diligent in developing my relationship with God and will watch my life and doctrine closely.
  • Be others focused: By modeling Jesus’ model of servant leadership.

I pray that God will give me the wisdom and perseverance necessary to be light to this world. I pray that God will use me as a resource to help you bring others to salvation in Jesus Christ.

I have used the word “I” many times so far in this article. However, this job is not about me! It is about you! My job exists to serve and support you. I know words are cheap, so I look forward to showing you by my actions that I love what you do as chaplains, and I look forward to supporting and encouraging you. This is how we will reach the lost!

May God bless you and keep you and provide you with rewarding opportunities to share your faith!

Published December 9, 2024