SBC Chaplaincy Endorser Updates

Public Service Endorser

Brent Bond, Senior Director of Chaplaincy

When [Bartimaeus] heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Mark 10:47 (CSB)

Chaplaincy appears to be one of the church’s best kept secrets. During my chaplaincy career and continuing in my service at NAMB, I’m often asked: “What is a chaplain?” It’s time for us to be proactive. Please help everyone discover the importance of chaplaincy by sharing your incredible stories of God-ordained interactions.

In Mark’s gospel, people encouraged both large and small groups by telling about their experiences with Jesus. “Blind Bartimaeus” heard these incredible stories and thus recognized his opportunity to cry out to Jesus for help. Likewise, as you recount various chaplain encounters, others will see God at work through chaplaincy! Assist us in sharing your story by completing your quarterly report and sending us your newsletters.

Information to know:

  • Please ensure you are current with your Quarterly Report (
  • SBC chaplaincy ministry is an extension of your church. Keep your Pastor and church leadership informed. Consider sharing a PDF copy of your Quarterly Report so they can celebrate what God is doing and keep you on their prayer list.
  • Please join us for the SBC Chaplains Breakfast at the SBC Annual Meeting on Monday, June 14 at 0730. This occasion provides relationship building opportunities with your SBC Chaplaincy Team and other SBC chaplains. Register for this event on our website.
  • Despite a 2017 study of healthcare chaplains suggesting otherwise (Handzo, Flannelly, & Hughes, 2017), I have noticed an increase in institutions requiring that chaplains be “board certified.” Generally speaking, board certification is the avenue in which professional vocational chaplains demonstrate competence. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about board certification.

Thank you for answering God’s call to be an SBC chaplain. You are making a difference!

The Chaplaincy Team and I are available to serve you as needed.

Federal Endorser

Samuel Lee

Jesus was unapologetically bold about His mission on the earth.  He even “overturned the tables of money changers” (Matthew 21:12) and directly challenged the religious leaders on their hypocrisies.  As we are seeking to be bold witnesses of the gospel of Christ, I suggest three helpful principles to SBC Chaplains that I’ll provide in a series of writings:

The first principle is knowing your calling to God Himself.  In my 29 years of military chaplaincy, I have seen many chaplains who failed due to their lack of spiritual integrity.  What was their common character failure?  They either do not have a sense of calling or mistake what calling is.  If you are called to a particular vocation (or a specific mission), then you will be disappointed or disillusioned as you continue the journey.  God called you to Himself through Jesus Christ!  When Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6),  He was inviting you and me to Himself rather than to a mere task.

The USAT Dorchester was a troop carrier that transported over 900 military personnel to the European Theater.  On  February 3, 1943, a German U-boat fired three torpedoes and sank the ship. Four Army chaplains (Fox, Goode, Washington and Poling) were standing on the deck of the USAT Dorchester and gave their full measure in their service to God and country. They brought the presence of God to the chaos and gave up their life jackets to others.

“It was the finest thing I have seen or hope to see this side of heaven,” said John Ladd, another survivor who saw the chaplains’ selfless act. Four chaplains were standing on the deck of Dorchester and linked their arms, praying together until the end.

What made them calm under the pressure and devastation? Chaplain Polling wrote to his father before his departure and asked his father to pray for him: “Not for my safe return, that wouldn’t be fair. Just pray that I shall do my duty.” He overcame the fear and selfishness to reflect the image of Christ because of his relationship with God.

I want to assure you that you are precious in His sight. God has and will always be with you to honor His promise as you seek Him. It is my prayer that you may have full knowledge of God and trust Him every step.


  1. We have a “SBC Chaplaincy” Facebook site for the endorsed SBC Chaplains to communicate to other SBC endorsed chaplains. If you are not a member, please join.
  2. Annual training is a MUST for all SBC Chaplains. Here are two upcoming options for you:
    • 14 June | Chaplains Reception in Nashville (SBC Annual Convention): Please RSVP here.    Let me know if you can wear a uniform during the event. I may ask you to serve as our Chaplaincy Rep.
    • October 25-27 | Ridgecrest CPDT. Registration Opened here.  An excellent opportunity to fellowship with other chaplain families.

Brent Bond, NAMB Senior Director of Chaplaincy, serves as the Public Service Endorser for Southern Baptist chaplains.

Samuel Lee, NAMB Director of Chaplaincy, serves as the Federal Endorser for Southern Baptist chaplains.

Published May 18, 2021