Where do church planters come from?
Are they ready-made leaders who show up at your church wanting to plant a church? Sometimes. But more often than not, they’re the everyday members sitting in your congregation — right now.
Future leaders do not simply appear; they are discovered. Your church can provide fertile soil for the discovery of church planters and some of the best training ground for their development. For this to happen, current leaders must assume the responsibility to both recognize and exhort future leaders and church planters.
Here are five places to look for church planters in your church:
1. Look around you.
Look around you with fresh eyes. Look to see where God is already at work among the leaders and members He has given you. You’re not going to find what you’re not looking for, so look intently within your congregation for potential church planters.
2. Look for new believers.
New believers often still have relationships with those far from God and are ready to make radical sacrifices for God’s mission. Pastors should seize this opportunity to challenge new Christians to consider how God is calling them to steward their lives for his mission.
3. Look for godly character.
Do you see a pattern of change, repentance and growth in a member’s life? Don’t look for perfection, but look for clear brokenness over sin, a trust in the gospel and a battle for holiness. These qualities mark one’s growth in understanding and applying the gospel to their life.
4. Look for proven faithfulness.
Proven faithfulness can only be observed over a period of time among the church. Look to develop people who naturally lead without a title. Leaders are not leaders if no one is willing to follow them. Sheep recognize shepherds. They see them lead and want to follow.
5. Look for a passionate desire.
Anyone willing to lead among challenging church situations must be willing to trust God and take faith-fueled risks for His mission. This means future leaders and church planters will often have a desire for more. For this reason, they may make their desire to lead known. They aspire to lead and serve because of a God-given passion more than prideful posturing.
Want to identify potential church planters in your church? Learn how you can start a residency in your church.
Published September 23, 2020