Covocational Church Planting eBook

By Brad Brisco

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Over the past several years there has been an increasing interest in church planting. As a result of declining attendance and the closing of many existing churches, every major denomination is focusing more resources toward starting new congregations. In the midst of this proliferation of church planting, one of the most significant trends is the starting of new churches by covocational leaders.

A covocational church planter is one whose primary vocation is in the marketplace, but at the same time he feels lead to start a church. A “covo” planter is one who knows God has called him to be a teacher, or a mechanic, a web designer or a doctor and he desires to weave that calling into the plan to plant a church. He realizes those two callings are not isolated from one another; they are interlinked and equal.

In Covocational Church Planting, Brad provides not only a new way to think about vocation, but also a fresh vision for church planting as a covocational leader.

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Brad Brisco

Brad is currently the Director of Bivocational Church Planting for the North American Mission Board. He holds a doctorate in the area of missional ecclesiology; his doctoral thesis was on assisting existing congregations in transitioning in a missional direction. Brad is the co-author of Missional Essentials, a twelve-week small group study guide, The Missional Quest: Becoming a Church of the Long Run, and Next Door As It Is In Heaven. He and his wife have three children and have been foster parents to more than fifty other kids.