Residencies for Churches

A residency is an intentional process for training qualified leaders to be church planters.

Start a Residency

Residencies help pastors and churches intentionally and systematically follow God’s heart for multiplication by developing and deploying missional leaders and church planters. Most pastors want to see their ministries and kingdom efforts extend beyond themselves and continue for generations. Developing leaders is essential for generational kingdom impact!

Attend a Residency Builder

The Residency Builder is a workshop designed to help pastors and church leaders build an intentional process for training qualified leaders to be church planters. It's a collaborative experience to help leaders discover and develop their unique plan for equipping potential planters. The participants will leave the Residency Builder with a framework and the beginning steps to implement a residency in their church.

Find a Residency Builder

9 Best Practices for Leading a Residency

9 Best Practices for Leading a Residency

Building and leading a residency is like assembling Lego bricks. We can utilize similar building blocks while embracing the freedom to design something to uniquely fit our passions, strengths, and ministry context.


Feel free to reach out to our team with any questions and we'll be happy to help point you to the right place.