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Learn how to leverage your job, skill, and passion where you live, work, and play for the glory of God.

This 6-week group study includes:

  • Teaching videos from Vance Pitman
  • Study book with group experience, daily devotions, and leader helps
  • Sermon prompts
  • Promotional video, slide, and bulletin insert

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Host a Group Study

Gather with your Sunday school class or small group to discover how God can use you to accomplish His kingdom mission. Watch the teaching videos as a group then discuss the questions provided in the group experience. Be sure everyone has a study book to make the most of your experience. Digital downloads of study books, teaching videos, promotional materials, and sermon prompts are available for free. Printed study books may be ordered.

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Order study books for your group here.


The mission of God is not something you do for Jesus. Mission is who Jesus is as He lives His life through you.

Learn how to:

  • Seek first the kingdom
  • Deepen devotion
  • Stick together
  • Think multiplication
  • Engage your city

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Order study books here.

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Read the most frequently asked questions about Leverage Your Life.

Leverage Your Life: 5 Kingdom Priorities is a 6-week study on how to use your job, skill, and passion where you live, work, and play for the mission of God.

All resources are available for free download here. Printed study books may be ordered here.

Week 1: Leverage Your Life

The mission of God is not something you do for Jesus. Mission is who Jesus is as He lives His life through you. Learn five kingdom priorities to leverage your life for the sake of God's mission.

  • Seek first the kingdom
  • Deepen devotion
  • Stick together
  • Think multiplication
  • Engage your city

Week 2: Seek First the Kingdom

The kingdom of God is God's sovereign activity in the world resulting in people being in right relationship with Himself. Everything in our lives should center in and revolve around the King and His kingdom:

  • The kingdom is believers.
  • The kingdom is big.
  • The kingdom is being built.

Week 3: Deepen Devotion

We will never rightly seek first the kingdom until daily we seek first the King. Without prayer and the Word, we are powerless.

Week 4: Stick Together

The early church understood one church couldn't accomplish the mission by itself. We are a family united by a mission and stick together as we:

  1. Pray
  2. Give
  3. Send
  4. Care

Week 5: Think Multiplication

God's global mission demands disciples and churches that multiply. We must think multiplication of disciples and multiplication of churches.

Week 6: Engage Your City

The gospel changes families, lives, and communities. You can engage your city through:

  1. A practice of serving the city
  2. A passion to reach the whole city
  3. A plan to multiply the church in the city

Gather with your small group, Sunday school class, or others to study Leverage Your Life together. Watch the teaching videos as a group then discuss the questions provided in the group experience. Encourage each group member to complete the daily devotions to continue processing and applying God’s truth as you leverage your lives for this sake of His mission. Additional leader tips are included in the study book.

Yes! You may download the digital version now or order printed study books here.

Each group experience contains the following elements.


Opening questions will help you kick off your group experience. These questions will start to explore principles of the teaching video each week.


The teaching videos examine how to leverage your life and each of the five kingdom priorities. As you watch, encourage group members to take notes of their insights and questions.


Use the questions that group members noted or the provided questions to help your group discuss and apply the kingdom priority from the teaching video. If you are not able to discuss all questions during your group experience, encourage group members to examine them throughout the week as they continue their study.


When we seek God in prayer, He moves in power. Conclude each group experience with prayer. Use the Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, and worship-based prayer prompts as a guide to a conversation between your group and the Father.

Promotional materials including a video, slide, and bulletin insert  are available to download. You may also use the sermon prompts for a churchwide emphasis as groups study Leverage Your Life.

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