Church Planter Pathway

As a first step, register your interest in church planting.

Get Started with Church Planting

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Prepare for your church planting journey with resources to help you grow and develop.

Are you interested in planting or sending a church planter in the future? Whether you are 10 years or one year out, being prepared for all that church planting brings your way is essential.

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Assess your readiness for planting through a process of online questionnaires and in-person reviews.

Following an approved application, the assessment process consists of an online pre-assessment and a 2-day, in-person assessment retreat designed to help you identify your strengths, growth areas, and readiness for the work of church planting.

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Care is at the core of our Send Network family because you shouldn’t take on the hard work of planting alone.

When you plant with Send Network, there is a team behind you specifically focusing on your spiritual and emotional health. We are here to connect you to other planting couples, encourage you as you do the hard work of church planting, respond to special needs as they arise, and constantly show appreciation from our family of churches for you and your work.

NAMB, Send Network, DC, 2023
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Equip yourself and your team to reach your community through practical training and personalized coaching.

Send Network comes alongside you and your Sending Church to make sure that you are equipped to engage the city, make disciples, and plant a church. Whether that is building a team, clarifying vision, sharpening your preaching, developing partners, or launching an evangelism strategy, we have the training and practitioners to help.

Become a Church Planter

Join Send Network's family of churches working to plant churches everywhere for everyone.

Get Started