Your church can make a kingdom impact through church planting. Whether your church is new to planting or you have planted dozens of churches, we want to help you take your next step. Please fill out this form to help you find the right opportunity for your church.Tell us a little about you and your church:Name(Required) First Last I'm a...(Required) Senior/Lead Pastor Church Staff Church Member Email(Required) Phone(Required)Church Name(Required) Church City, State(Required) Church City State / Province / Region Pastor's Name(Required) Which category best describes where your church is today?(Required)Consider each category as inclusive of the ones above it. To review, the categories again, click here. Cooperating - our church prays for planting and invests in the primary SBC offerings. Supporting - our church partners with a specific church plant. Sending - our church has taken primary responsibility for a specific church plant and sent them. Multiplying - our church is developing and sending church planters and/or teams. Movement - our church is regularly multiplying and catalyzing other churches to do the same. I'm not sure. We believe Supporting a church plant is a big deal! We want to celebrate Supporting Churches that we may not know about! Would you mind sharing with us the name and information of the latest church plant you’re supporting?Name of Church Plant:(Required) Church Planter Name(Required) Address(Required) City State / Province / Region Is this the only plant you are supporting?(Required) Yes No HiddenIs this the only plant you are supporting? Yes No We believe sending a church plant is a big deal! We want to celebrate Sending Churches that we may not know about! Would you mind sharing with us the name and information of the latest church plant you’re sending?Name of Church Plant:(Required) Church Planter Name(Required) Address(Required) City State / Province / Region Name of Church Planter Which of the following best describes where you want to help lead your church in the next 2 years? (Consider each category as inclusive of the ones above it. To review, the categories again, click here.)Which of the following best describes where you want to help lead your church in the next 2 years? (Consider each category as inclusive of the ones above it. To review, the categories again, click here.) Cooperating - We want to pray for planting and invest in the primary SBC offerings. Supporting - We want to partner with a specific plant. Sending - We want to take responsibility for a plant and send them. Multiplying - We want to develop and send planters and/or teams. Movement - We want to regularly multiply and catalyze other churches to do the same. I'm not sure. We need to learn more. Do you have a city and/or state where you are particularly interested in planting? Yes No I'm not sure In what ways would your church be interested in supporting? (check all that apply) Praying Participating (sending a mission team) Providing (giving financially) City (optional) State HiddenAs you think about taking this next step, which best describes where you and your church are at? Exploring - We would like to hear more. Committed - We feel called to do this but aren’t sure how to get started. Infancy - We have already started but are looking for opportunities to learn. Experience – We not only want to learn; we have knowledge to contribute. CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.