Why spousal support from pastors is important

By Thom Rainer

One of the more pleasant surprises of this blog the past few years is the opportunity to interact with the spouses of pastors. I use the term “pastors” to refer to the lead pastor of a church most of the time, but my comments are not limited to that one position. It could also refer to other staff positions at a church.

Many of the comments I have received have been shared in anonymity, and I certainly understand the need to keep names confidential. But the comments are real and verbatim. And many times I can feel the hopes and hurts that come with these comments. Here are the eleven most frequent thoughts from pastors’ spouses:

“I’m lonely.” This statement was the most frequent by an overwhelming margin. It overlaps with some of these other statements, but it needs to stand on its own as well.
“Your critics hurt me too.” Pastors are criticized regularly, even frequently. While the pastors are indeed hurting, they need to understand their spouses are hurting as well.

“I’m lonely.” This statement was the most frequent by an overwhelming margin.

“I wish you would give me more time.” Many pastors’ spouses feel like their marriages were not healthy because the pastor put church members first.
“Please don’t use me as a negative sermon illustration.” Even when it’s spoken in humor, pastors’ spouses can be hurt by such illustrations.
“Let me be me.” Many spouses don’t think they can be themselves because their spouse/pastor expects them to speak and act in ways that do not reflect their true selves.
“I love it when you spend time with our children.” Many spouses are hurt because they feel that neither they nor the children are a priority.

“Let me be me.” Many spouses don’t think they can be themselves because their spouse/pastor expects them to speak and act in ways that do not reflect their true selves.

“I worry about our finances.” This sentence was one I heard frequently. Too many pastors are underpaid. It not only hurts the pastor; it hurts the entire family.
“Please stand up for me when I’m criticized.” It pains me to hear from pastors’ spouses who have been criticized, especially when their spouse does not come to their defense. If it pains me, I can only imagine how it hurts the spouse.
“I wish you would focus on your family when you are at home.” Spouses generally understand the distractions of real emergencies. But some pastors never “turn off” and focus on their families.

“It’s hard to make real friends in the church.” This statement was one of several reasons why pastors’ spouses feel lonely.

“I worry about our family when we move a lot.” Vocational mobility is the norm for many pastors. But understand that such mobility often comes at price to the pastor’s family.
“It’s hard to make real friends in the church.” This statement was one of several reasons why pastors’ spouses feel lonely.
I often ask our readers to pray for their pastors. I need to be asking you to pray for the pastors’ families as well. Most of these family members are obedient to the call of God in their lives; and they do so without complaints. But that doesn’t mean they don’t hurt at times.

Published March 31, 2016

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Thom Rainer

Thom S. Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Prior to LifeWay, he served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for twelve years where he was the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism. He is a 1977 graduate of the University of Alabama and earned his Master of Divinity and Ph.D. degrees from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has wirtten more than 20 books including the bestsellers Simple Church and I Am a Church Member. Among his greatest joys are his family: his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art, and Jess; and seven grandchildren. You can connect with Dr. Rainer on Twitter @ThomRainer and at facebook.com/Thom.S.Rainer.