4 Free resources to help you alleviate poverty in your community

Four resources to help you identify and help alleviate different types of poverty in your community.

We can’t escape it.

Whether you’re part of a church planting team in the bustle of a major city, the calm of a rural field or the convenience of the suburbs, there are men, women and children grappling with poverty.

It’s all around us. But sometimes it’s hard to see.


Our first thought of poverty is often a lack of material possessions. But there are different types of poverty. A person may be impoverished economically or have an impoverished marriage, or an impoverished relationship with the Lord. Whether it is economic, relational or spiritual, poverty comes in many forms.

No matter the type of poverty, it takes a keen eye and an attentive ear to recognize the poverty that’s right in front of us. And when we have the tools and resources to recognize the needs in our communities, our churches can move toward being part of the solution and strengthening communities.

Here is a list of four resources that will help you identify and help different types of poverty in your community.

1. Ministry to the Homeless

No matter where you are, your community is likely impacted by homelessness in some way. This ministry guide provides you and your congregation a step-by-step approach to developing practical ways to reach homeless people in your area with the love of Jesus.

Learn practical ways to minister to the homeless


2. Three Ways to Alleviate Global Poverty

Millions around the world live on less than $2 a day. The day-to-day struggle just to survive is not a battle many of us have been forced to fight. And the truth is, poverty effects every aspect of life. Low-income families are the most likely to suffer from persistent undernutrition, which is responsible for almost half of child deaths worldwide.

This guide will teach you three ways to respond to poverty around the world.

Help alleviate global poverty in 3 simple steps


3. How Can We Serve? An In-Depth Guide to Discovering Community Needs

 Churches that want to impact their communities often try to do too much and quickly find out they are not particularly effective with their efforts. Many times, their lack of life-changing success can be because they didn’t take the time to identify the true needs and concerns within their communities.

This guide will give you a step-by-step process to identify needs in your community which can help your church create ministries specifically tailored to those needs.

Discover needs in your community


4. 30 Days of Prayer for Human Trafficking

 Right now, more people live in slavery than any other time in history, totaling an estimated 20 million victims. There are many things we can — and must — do to help. Prayer is one of them. We believe it’s a power force against the sin of slavery that can be done anytime, anyplace and with anyone.

Pray for human trafficking


Alleviate poverty in your community and throughout North America be checking out our Send Relief Serve Tour that’s nearest you!

Published February 1, 2022

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