Abide: The church’s mission

By Clint Clifton

There’s something about becoming a professional Christian (aka pastor, church planter, missionary, etc…) that makes the practice of actual Christianity a real challenge. I suppose it has something to do with the public nature of this type of ministry but I’ve found that my service in vocational ministry, particularly in church planting, has complicated my daily walk with Christ. The Downside of Professional ChristianityMaybe you’ve heard someone say, “If you find something you love to do, make it your job that way you’ll never work a day in your life!” Well, that’s what I had in mind when I began my journey to professional Christianity. I was 15 when Jesus saved me. The change Jesus made in my heart was so drastic and immediate that my family, friends, co-workers and schoolmates immediately noticed the difference. It wasn’t just that the tapes in my Walkman changed, something foundational and real changed.

The shock of disapproval blinded me from any ability to see the truth in my brother’s rebuke. I became sinfully self-aware and found myself seeking approval of other Christians more than from Christ.

Sinful EntitlementThe first few years of my walk with Christ I joyfully served the church with no expectation for reward, but the deeper into professional Christianity I got, the more sinfully entitled I felt. This entitlement manifested itself in four specific ways in my life:

1. I became aware of the critical eye of others:

I wish someone had told me that being a public figure meant that others would feel free to voice their opinions of me publically. I was not prepared for the amount of critical feedback that I would receive in my first few years of professional Christianity. Most of it, by the way, was valid criticism that should have shaped me into a better pastor and Christian, but it did not. The shock of disapproval blinded me from any ability to see the truth in my brother’s rebuke. I became sinfully self-aware and found myself seeking approval of other Christians more than from Christ.

2. I began to monetize my service to Christ:

“Amateur Christianity” has its benefits. Before I received pay for my service to God, I never once considered the monetary rewards of my ministry to others. My motive for teaching the Bible was that I wanted people to grow in Christ. My motive for sharing my faith was that I wanted people to become Christians. The world was very simple. In professional Christianity, my service to God is inextricably tethered to a paycheck. If the church grows, my pay will grow. If I preach great sermons, others will pay me to come and preach. I’ve never considered myself a lover of money, but now I have a family and a house and bills to consider. This added layer of complexity made my good and bad motives indistinguishable from one another.

In professional Christianity, my service to God is inextricably tethered to a paycheck.

3. I began desiring platforms:

It doesn’t take long in professional Christianity to for my vain heart to start using words like “platform” and “influence”. There’s a strange, anti-Christian doctrine floating around the Church these days that teaches that God is more glorified by the ministries of those with a larger audience. Yet the Bible instructs us to have the mind of Christ in us that considered him of no reputation and took on the form of a servant. (Phil 2:7)

4. My devotional life was swallowed by my teaching ministry:

Sunday is relentless. It comes every week. Every single week! The pace of public teaching meant I was in the Word of God more but applying it to myself less. Prior to professional Christianity, my devotional life was applied directly to my life, my sin, my struggles and my joy. Suddenly, when I became a professional, the Words of the Bible were for those I lead.

Serving others is the joyful duty of every good pastor. Remember that when you serve sinful people, you are imitating your Savior who served joyfully and suffered along the way.

As pastors we must open our eyes to the fact that we have not earned our position nor do we deserve it. You belong wholly to King Jesus. Serving others is the joyful duty of every good pastor. Remember that when you serve sinful people, you are imitating your Savior who served joyfully and suffered along the way. Beware, your vain heart will tell you that your flock is too small and your potential underutilized. This is a lie. If you’d gotten what you deserved, you’d be doing something far less meaningful in someplace far less pleasant. Every person God sends you has a soul and was entrusted to you by Christ. Wake every morning and breathe a grateful prayer to God, for He knit you together (Psalm 139:13), resurrected your lifeless heart (Ezekiel 36:26) and “judged you faithful, appointing you to his service” (1 Timothy 1:12).

Published February 16, 2016

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Clint Clifton

Clint Clifton passed away on January 12, 2023, as a result of a small plane crash. Clint and his wife, Jennifer, had been married since 2000 and have five children. He completed a B.A. from The Baptist College of Florida and an M.A. from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Clint founded Pillar Church in Dumfries, Virginia, in 2005. He oversaw the fruitful church planting efforts of Pillar Church and served as Senior Director of Resource and Research Strategy for the North American Mission Board.