Events You Need to Know about at the 2015 Southern Baptist Convention

By Kathy Ferguson Litton

Each year, at the annual gathering of Southern Baptists, there are events that women need to be aware of. If you are traveling to Columbus Ohio for the 2015 SBC, you may want to consider these opportunities.

Pastors’ Wives Session

Monday June 15th 8:45am-11:45am
Hyatt Regency Hotel-Regency Ballroom

This is an event run concurrently with Pastor’s Conference as an option for wives. Eric and Kristin Yeldell of FBC Naples, Florida will lead worship. Christine Hoover, church planters wife and author, will teach a session “Four Anchors Every Ministry Wife Needs.” Lori McDaniel, pastor’s wife and on IMB staff, will be sharing “Leading Ordinary Women to Live on Mission.”

Jeana Floyd will interview Nagmeh Abedini, wife of Saeed Abedini, an American pastor imprisoned in Iran. Nagmeh will share her story, the vital nature of prayer, and discuss the persecuted church.

Ministry Wives Luncheon

Tuesday June 16th Noon- 1:30pm
Hyatt Regency Hotel-Regency Ballroom

The annual SBC Ministers’ Wives Luncheon is a time for wives from across our country to come together to be encouraged, strengthened, and challenged in the call they share with their husband. The theme for 2015 will be Radiant Ministers’ Wives.

Angie Smith will be the luncheon speaker. She says: My greatest passion is to make the Bible feel accessible and relevant, and to share my own ups and downs along the way to encourage others in their faith.” She is noted writer and speaker you won’t want to miss. Plus, Taranda Greene will provide special music

Tickets are $15. And can be purchased here.

2015 Women’s Expo

Monday and Tuesday June 15th and 16th
Hyatt Regency Hotel in South Foyer

The Expo is lead by Diana Nix of Contagious Joy in conjunction with the Monday Morning Pastor’s Wives Session and concludes at the Minister’s Wives Tuesday Luncheon.

The purpose of the Expo is to expose, engage, enlighten, and empower women with helpful resources such as new Bible Studies, ministry support, and evangelistic tools.  In addition, our hope is that information gathered will not only be an encouragement for their journey but will inspire them as they go home to family and the women of their churches. Stop in to get informed and connected.

Flourish will have a display in the Expo. Please find us in the South Foyer of the Hyatt Regency. You can meet Christine Hover and get a glimpse of her new book. Plus we will have prayer printables and handy cell phone wallets for giveaways. Come see us!

Women’s Leadership Breakfast

Wednesday June 17th 7:00am
Hyatt Regency Hotel in the Harrison Room Level One

A new event at the SBC for 2015 is a gathering of female leaders hosted by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the North American Mission Board.

Breakfast and panel discussion from gifted leaders who will share their expertise and wisdom about the importance of equipping for leadership. Panelists include: Lizette Beard (moderator), Denise O’Donoghue, Elicia HortonKathy Litton, and Selma Wilson.

Tickets are $5 can be purchased here.

Are you heading to the SBC this year? Which events will you be attending?

Published May 26, 2015

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Kathy Ferguson Litton

Kathy lives in Mobile, Alabama, with her husband Ed, pastor of Redemption Church. Both lost former spouses in car accidents, and God uniquely gave them new love and life together in 2009. Kathy enjoyed 26 years of life and ministry alongside Rick Ferguson. She has three children and ten grandchildren. Presently she serves as Director of Planting Spouse Development.