Five Prayers to Prepare for Time on Facebook

By Annie Garman

It hasn’t just been one conversation. It has been multiple conversations.

Recently someone was sharing with me her qualms with social media. “The problem with Facebook …” was how she started. I listened to her points about miscommunications and tone, all which were valid. But then she proceeded.

“Besides, after a couple of months on Facebook, I remembered why I hadn’t stayed in touch with these people in the first place.”

(Maybe you’ve had that thought before.)

The conversation ended and her point had been made: It was more spiritual NOT to use social media.

Social media is a vehicle and vehicles can be used for good or for evil. I believe that technology is helping spread the gospel across the globe and that we all have a unique opportunity to connect with people we otherwise wouldn’t through social media. The only thing is … it’s kinda tricky.

We will find temptation to:

  • Use social media for our own glory.
  • Get distracted and waste time.
  • Respond quickly and not think through our words carefully.
  • Forget God’s desire to draw all people to Himself.

The problem with Facebook isn’t Facebook. It’s our hearts.

For those of you who have chosen to use social media, I pray that you begin to see it not only as a fun, recreational activity, but also as a way of sharing the gospel to your world — your circle of influence that thirsts so deeply for truth and love. The following prayers are meant to help you on your social media journey.

Five Prayers to Prepare Your Heart Before Getting on Facebook

  • Lord, guard me from jealousy. Help me to “rejoice with those who rejoice,” even when I feel like others are getting things You (in your goodness) have withheld from me. Strengthen me to reject comparison and cultivate a spirit of contentment.
  • Lord, empower me by your Holy Spirit to be slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to listen. Remind me that there are human beings on the other side of my computer screen that are thirsty for affirmation, acceptance, and encouragement (all which are found in you). May I be a channel of Your love.
  • Lord, help me to see my time on here as a way to serve others with my pictures, words, and comments. Empower me to build up, bless, and speak the truth in love. Lead me to people who are searching for You.
  • Lord, may I glorify You — reflect an accurate picture of You — as I speak to both believing and unbelieving friends through this venue. May my friends who are skeptical about you be given a pause, and may my friends who follow you be spurred on to love and good deeds.
  • Lord, empower me to have self-control to stop scrolling after ____ minutes. Thank you for a fun, visual way to connect with others. Help me to not abuse this gift.
How do you see God using social media to further His Kingdom work?


Published June 1, 2015

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Annie Garman

Annie and her husband Colby live in Northern Virginia where Colby serves as the teaching pastor of Pillar Church. Before their church ministry days, they served for two years as IMB missionaries in Iceland. Annie spends her days taking care of her four daughters, writing and ministering at her local church. She shares about motherhood, mayhem, and the meaning of life from a place of transparency at