How To Create A New Easter Tradition

By Susie Hawkins

How does your family observe Holy Week and Easter? Outside of church services and doing the Easter egg routine, most Christian families don’t have a meaningful way to observe this season in their homes. Shouldn’t we?

There are two major celebrations on our Christian calendar – Christmas and Easter. Our Christmas traditions are well established in our family routines and churches. But Holy Week and Easter are usually not associated with any kind of home observance. “Passover for Christians” can change that and hopes to do so!

Passover? But we’re not Jewish!

Passover has been celebrated by the Jewish people for over three thousand years. As early as the first century, Jewish believers saw the elements of the Passover as pointing to Jesus, the Lamb of God. Learning from them, we can adapt the Passover meal into our own family celebrations. Observing this meal from a Christian perspective demonstrates and explains rich spiritual truths about this season while around your own dinner table.

It’s creative, interesting AND social:

God instructed His people to annually observe Passover as a way to teach their children and remind them of God’s deliverance. It follows then, that this multi-sensory meal is the optimal way to share the redemption story with your children and friends. It’s also the perfect opportunity to share your own spiritual journey, as well as listen to others’.

Step into His Story:

Jesus was observing the Passover Seder when He instituted the Lord’s Supper. By doing the same, we “step into His story” and experience the Seder as He did the night before His death. Passover is the story of redemption, and everything in it points to Jesus, as the Passover Lamb of God.

On creating new family traditions.Creating a new family tradition takes some time and energy, but if it is meaningful and enjoyable then it’s worth the effort!

You may be asking….
  • How exactly is a seder done? The Seder is made up of scripture verses, prayers, and stories, as well as tasting the ceremonial foods. It is followed by a regular meal, the menu is up to you. Note this is NOT a formal meal, but a time for good food, conversation, questions and enjoying the company of others. It can be as long or as short as you wish.
  • Can kids be included? It’s FOR kids! Children are an important part of the seder and can be involved in creative and fun ways.
  • When do I hold a seder? Anytime prior to Easter weekend, whatever works for your family.
  • Where do I begin? The website can get you started and give you ideas on what will work in your setting. It has a simplified Seder specifically designed for families with young children, as well as an easily understood guide for adults.
This is the year to begin your new Holy Week and Easter tradition!

One thing is for sure – once you observe a Passover Seder for Christians, your Easter will never be the same.

How does your family observe Easter and Holy Week? What ideas can you share with us?

Published March 9, 2015

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Susie Hawkins

Susie lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband OS Hawkins. She is the author of From One Ministry Wife to Another: Honest Conversations on Connections in Ministry. She has 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren, keeping her life full of craziness and joy.