How to Pray for Church Planters

By Send Network

If we want to see God move in North America, we should pray He moves in and through church planters.

Church planters are on the front lines, confronting brokenness in communities and spreading the gospel in North America. They often serve in areas with little gospel witness, are far from the familiar and comfortable and are working week after week to see God’s Kingdom move forward in difficult places. They need our prayers.

Here are seven ways you can pray for your church planters:

1. Pray for a close walk with Jesus.
Pray your planters prioritize their relationship with Jesus. Pray they stay in His Word, fellowship deeply with Him in prayer and keep their lives pure. Pray God would walk powerfully and intimately with them, so they are able to minister out of the overflow of this personal walk.

2. Pray for an identity grounded in Christ.
Planters are entrepreneurs who long to see something started from nothing. The temptation is often to find their identity in what they do and how well they do it. Pray your planters root their identity deeply in the gospel.

3. Pray for a strong marriage and family.
Balancing family and ministry can be difficult. Pray your planters are sensitive to the needs of their families and make shepherding them a priority.

4. Pray for wisdom.
Church plants can be fragile organizations. Every decision can be one that makes or breaks the organization. Pray God gives your planters great wisdom as they make decisions weekly that affect the growth of the plant—and the extension of God’s Kingdom in their communities—for years to come.

5. Pray for favor in their community.
Pray local business would open their meetings spaces for church plants to meet in. Pray local leaders would help them connect with the community. Pray for natural relationships with neighbors. Ultimately, pray your planters find people open and excited about a new work in their community.

6. Pray for faithfulness in their work.
The hard work of church planting can be draining and discouraging. One week can be exhilarating with success, while the very next week can be a crash of disappointment. Pray your church planters stay focused and faithful to the call God has placed on their lives, even in the midst of the ups and downs of difficult ministry.

7. Pray for gospel fruit.
Planters plant churches because they have a passion to see individuals and communities transformed by the gospel. Pray God will have His way in men and women across our land. Only Jesus can save lives. Pray He will transform hearts and lives.

Want to start praying for church planters in North America? Order a 2020 Missionary Prayer Calendar today.

Published February 17, 2020

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