Kingdom First: Leading God’s People

By Jeff Christopherson

The Apostle Paul, gave this charge to the Ephesian church leadership: “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.”Acts 20:28-31 I have come to believe that Paul’s advice to these Ephesian elders encapsulates what every church planter needs to internalize if they are to effectively lead God’s people. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul gives direction to those who lead God’s people.

Lead Yourself First.

Leading yourself well today is the only way you can ensure credibility for tomorrow. Paul says, “Pay careful attention to yourselves…” Leadership that doesn’t flow from a well-examined heart is suspect to its own validity.

Leading yourself well today is the only way you can ensure credibility for tomorrow.

Own Your Responsibility.

Paul continues, “…and to all the flock in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God…” Paul describes the breadth of the responsibility of those who lead God’s people. Luke transcribed four points of accountability: a) My leadership is large. Everyone requires leadership. Not just the compliant sheep– but the flock in its entirety. b) My leadership is sovereign. Stuttering shepherds are well aware of their shortcomings. Fortunately, a sovereign God sees past our limitations and gives undeniable strength. c) My leadership is high. The calling of a church planter is to become an “overseer.” To establish, cast, execute and protect the vision God has given you. d) My leadership is gentle.Determined apostle, meet the gentle shepherd. Caring for God’s people is a prerequisite to leading God’s people.

The calling of a church planter is to become an “overseer.” To establish, cast, execute and protect the vision God has given you.

Remember Whose Church it is.

When God gives you a vision, it can become a dangerous thing. Instead of being stewards, we can become owners of the vision. The vision becomes mutated into idolatry. Paul reminds the Ephesians that the church they are to care for was never theirs, but always Christ’s. It is a spiritual community, “…which he obtained with his own blood”therefore it cannot be possessed by its overseers. This is Jesus’ church. We decide nothing, but seek His wisdom.

Be Prepared for Satan’s Outsiders.

You will never experience the full reality of this, until you plant a church. Paul warned the Ephesians, “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock…”Paul was recalling a trend still prevalent to church plants today. Satan is anything but original.

Be prepared. If you don’t have a discerning spirit, find someone who does. Satan doesn’t play fairly.

“Fierce wolves” seldom come from our target audience of ‘lostness.’ The majority come equipped with impressive evangelical pedigrees. And if you ever checked – train-wrecks mark their past. Be prepared. If you don’t have a discerning spirit, find someone who does. Satan doesn’t play fairly.

Be Prepared for Satan’s Insiders.

Sometimes, however, the evil one is subtler. Paul continues, “…and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.” These too are usually the pre-churched who made their way into leadership. Biding their time, gaining your confidence and worse, the confidence of new believers. In hindsight, it is clear – but you will likely miss some. Biblical church discipline, done with redemptive intent is now your only course of action. There is a high probability these insiders were never ‘for’ you. Test their repentance carefully. In full shepherd mode, with as many trusted leaders as possible, interpret this situation from a heavenly perspective. Allow new believers to understand the conflict spiritually. Some will be hurt beyond short-term repair, but others will mature.

Do not be Casual.

Paul continues, “Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears.” What was Paul’s sole ending admonition?

Leading the people of God requires being wide-awake. This is not a calling for a casual, ‘lets be friends,’ leader.

Be alert. Leading the people of God requires being wide-awake. This is not a calling for a casual, ‘lets be friends,’ leader. It is a calling for a vigilant man of God who understands what is at stake. This is war. And darkness’ only goal is the total destruction of the leader, and the vision that God spoke to him. Therefore, be alert.

Published January 7, 2016

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Jeff Christopherson

Jeff Christopherson is the North American Mission Board's Vice President of the Send Network. He and his wife, Laura, live in Alpharetta, Georgia.