Online Quiz: Covocational Self Assessment Fillable

Covocational Church Planter Self-Assessment

As a Covocational Church Planter, it is crucial to align your marketplace calling, family commitments, and church planting objectives. The questions below are designed to help you reflect on how well you are equipped to handle the complexities of managing a full-time vocation in the marketplace while initiating and leading a new church. Your answers will help you assess your preparedness, identify areas needing development, and ensure you have considered different aspects of this unique calling.

Instructions: For each statement, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5 based on how well the statement reflects your capabilities, experiences, or feelings.

1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree
My current vocation in the marketplace aligns well with my vision for church planting.
I effectively use skills from my marketplace vocation in my ministry activities.
I have a plan to maintain physical health despite my professional and ministerial commitments.
I have a plan to maintain spiritual health despite my professional and ministerial commitments.
My family is supportive of and prepared for my covocational church planting plans.
I have a plan to effectively manage my time with both my professional and ministerial roles.
I have a network that I can leverage for support and encouragement while church planting.
I am prepared to manage the financial demands of both my household and the church plant.
I have a good grasp of my strengths and needed areas of personal growth.
I am confident in my ability to cultivate and facilitate a church planting team.
I am comfortable delegating tasks.
I have a clear calling to a people and/or place for the church I want to plant.
I am committed to integrating church planting activities into my typical work week.
I can articulate how my professional work influences my approach to ministry.
I regularly practice habits that ensure my family time is not compromised.
I have strategies in place to stay refreshed and avoid burnout.
I am comfortable working on multiple tasks at the same time.
My professional job provides opportunities for discipleship and evangelism.
I frequently assess my personal growth and seek to develop in areas I am lacking.
I regularly seek feedback from others to improve my professional and ministerial effectiveness.
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