Parenting Pre-Teens and Teens

By Lori Frank

Hello Moms!

I don’t know about you, but for me, navigating the pre-teen and teen years as a ministry mom was a scary thing. I wanted to parent my kids in a way that would bring them up to love the church a much as I do, and instill in them a deep desire to walk with Jesus. But I found when I would parent them from a spirit of fear and pressure, I ceased to be effective and I put undue legalistic burdens on them.

So what my husband came up with was a plan that, in spite of our failings, seems to have worked out. I hope you will join me in this brief video as we discuss parenting our teens in ministry, with a heart of “YES.”

Do you have advice to add for parenting teens or pre-teens? 

What take-aways from the video do you want to implement?

Published September 19, 2014

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Lori Frank

Lori Frank serves the people of Biltmore Baptist Church in Asheville, North Carolina where her husband of 25 years, Dr. Bruce Frank is Lead Pastor. Lori teaches a weekly women’s Bible Study and offers local group mentoring for pastors’ wives and women in ministry. Lori and Bruce have two sons in college.