Redefining Mission as an Every Day Mission

By Dustin Willis

Too often we settle for the status quo. We assume this is just the way life is. We get comfortable with, well, being comfortable. But our God is a God who challenges us to push past the expected. To reach wider, love deeper, go farther.

We are everyday missionaries, and God has positioned each of us in a unique way to take part in His history-sweeping mission. From high school students to retirees, from stay-at-home moms to business executives, we each have a part in the greatest story ever told. This is a story about an extraordinary love and relentless pursuit of an undeserving people.

It’s time we examine our hearts and redefine what the story of everyday missions looks like. The message remains the same, but our approach must become more intentionally integrated into the everyday rhythms of our lives. How can we allow God to weave the different rhythms of our lives­ – work, school, meals and hobbies into the amazing narrative He already is creating? Here are three areas to redefine how to live a life on mission.

1. Redefine ordinary
Many people think that only “extraordinary” believers can be used for Christ. We believe God has called each of us to live a life on mission wherever we are – no matter our age, occupation, biblical acumen, or busy schedule.

2. Redefine possibilities
Never before have there been so many ways to reach people with the Good News. We live in a day where there are limitless possibilities for advancing the gospel both overseas and in our backyard. Whether that looks like high school seniors committing to a college with the intentions to be involved in campus church planting, or professionals specifically applying for jobs in influential cities overseas they feel called to. We must get creative and take action.

3. Redefine your perspective
Explore the ways God can use you where you are and with the talents He’s given you. Be inspired by unlikely people who are living their lives on mission for Jesus. As you take your first step toward living a life on mission, challenge yourself to look past the possible inconveniences and see the eternal value of a life fully surrendered to Jesus.

He’s asking us to see what He sees. Both the realities and the opportunities. He’s asking us to redefine what’s possible for the sake of the gospel. How are you going to respond?,

Published September 25, 2018

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Dustin Willis

Dustin Willis is the co-author of Life on Mission: Joining the Everyday Mission of God and The Simplest Way to Change the World: Biblical Hospitality as a Way of Life. He is author of Life in Community. Dustin lives in Atlanta with his wife, Renie, and their two kids, Jack and Piper. You can follow Dustin on twitter at @dustinwillis.