Reflecting Christ in a tense political climate

By Katie Orr

My heart has been incredibly heavy over the state of our nation. I have friends and family on all sides of every issue, and seeing it all on display on social media is difficult to watch. So much of the back and forth—the hate, the pride, the lashing out—is disappointing, at best. I find myself asking almost daily, “Lord, what is my part? What actions can I take? How am I supposed to pray?”

“Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:5 ESV).

When emotions flare and my feet get stepped on, how often I forget that I am an ambassador for Christ. My primary identity is not of a political party or certain campaign. I am the brand of Christ. When people look at me, they ought to see and feel something that is supernatural and special. Not because of who I am, but because (whether they can identify it or not) they see Christ in me. Everything I say or don’t say, do or don’t do is a reflection of Christ and I long to reflect Him well.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:15).

I wish I was better at this. There are so many days and moments that I fail to reflect the glory of God to the people around me. And yet God is to be glorified through all His people—the church. I long for His good and gracious character to be made known. I want souls to see their utter need for Christ. And none of this can happen if Christians don’t look like Christ.

Lately it seems our reflection of Him has been covered in mud.

In our efforts to stand for biblical truth, the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and religious freedom, we’ve forgotten the overarching and pervasive call to love. All people. Even those we disagree with.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

So—starting with me—I’m praying for a revival of a renewed repentance and deep humility among the church. I’m asking God to show me if there is any wicked way within me and lead me toward repentance. Today, I choose to focus primarily on my own actions and attitudes and—by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit—I will follow the example of Christ down the road of counting others more significant than myself. Regardless of their political leaning.

I sin — Grant that I may
never cease grieving because of it,
never be content with myself,
never think I can reach a point of perfection.
Kill my envy, command my tongue,
trample down self.
Give me grace to be holy, kind, gentle, pure,
to live for thee and not for self,
to copy thy words, acts, spirit,
to be transformed into thy likeness,
to be consecrated wholly to thee,
to live entirely to thy glory.
. . .
O God, the Eternal All, help me to know that
all things are shadows, but thou art substance,
all things are quicksands, but thou art mountain,
all things are shifting, but thou art anchor,
all things are ignorance, but thou art wisdom.
—Valley of Vision, Purification


Post originally found here

Published March 30, 2017

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Katie Orr

Katie lives in Harrodsburg, Ky., with her husband, Chris Orr, pastor of Pioneer Baptist Church. They served on staff with Cru for six years before her family left campus ministry for the work of church revitalization. They have three young children. Katie currently serves as Social Media Specialist for Flourish. She loves to equip busy women to experience God and is creator of the FOCUSed15 Bible studies, which train women how to have intentional Bible study in only 15 minutes a day. Learn more about her Bible studies at