Ryan and Tricia McCammack: Loving A Diverse Community

Avondale Estates, Georgia

DeKalb County, Georgia is a picture of diversity—and vast need.

There’s a beautiful array of cultures but also brokenness. Many homes don’t have dads in them. The abortion rate is high. There’s division from racial and socioeconomic tensions.

When Ryan and Tricia moved their family to Atlanta to plant Gospel Hope Church, they wanted the congregation to reflect the multicultural community. To do that, Ryan worked with a diverse team of people who shared this vision.

Executive Pastor, Rob Dewberry prepares to preach from God’s Word at Gospel Hope.

But diversity isn’t the ultimate goal, disciple making is. “The mission is to help those we come in contact with to take their next spiritual step and to be a church that loves all kinds of people, and let God bring all kinds of people.”

“We believe the gospel brings hope to be reconciled to each other and to God,” Ryan said.

Prayer Requests

  • For the McCammacks to reach the diverse communities in their area.
  • For church members to display Christ’s reconciling love.

Learn more about the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and your role in advancing God’s kingdom in North America at anniearmstrong.com.

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