Transition for the Flourish blog

By Kathy Ferguson Litton

Some of you may know I have a new role at NAMB. I am no longer leading a ministry to pastors’ wives generally, but now more specifically as the Director of Planter Spouse Care. That means I am on a new team (Send Network), with a new assignment to serve and develop planters’ wives. Honestly, I asked Dr. Kevin Ezell to consider this change in my assignment.

NAMB is serving the kingdom in many diverse ways, but particularly through church planting, so it makes sense to have a focused ministry to the wives of planters who are spread throughout North America. Our planters’ wives need increased care and support, or they may be at greater risk. NAMB wants to serve these women well. Dr. Ezell and others agreed, and thus this change was made.

As a result, the Flourish blog, as we know it today, will be transitioning. We will continue to create new blog content, posted on the NAMB website and available for planter spouses and all ministry wives. It will be easily accessible and, I pray, even more visible for all who need it. While the Flourish brand will not exist, the heart, passion, and content behind it will.

Transitions are never easy, especially given the success and comfort that has come from the Flourish blog. Turning a page and heading in a new direction is a necessary step to provide planters’ wives desperately needed vital support. That support will come from women and be led by women. I am honored to get the chance to launch this new effort. And I ask for your prayers and support as we create healthy community, care, and equipping for wives in challenging planting settings.

NAMB is launching a new website in late spring, and that is when the transition from Flourish into the broader NAMB blog site will occur. In fact, the new site will have a specific page and resources for planter and spouse care. We look forward to your continued readership and support.

Thank you for being faithful followers and supporters of the Flourish blog! Your lives are deeply impacting the places you serve. You are true warriors in gospel ministry. We are immensely grateful for the community that has formed via this blog. I pray that our team of contributors has encouraged you as you faithfully pursue His calling for the sake of the gospel.

Published April 17, 2018

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Kathy Ferguson Litton

Kathy lives in Mobile, Alabama, with her husband Ed, pastor of Redemption Church. Both lost former spouses in car accidents, and God uniquely gave them new love and life together in 2009. Kathy enjoyed 26 years of life and ministry alongside Rick Ferguson. She has three children and ten grandchildren. Presently she serves as Director of Planting Spouse Development.