What role does disciple making play in planting churches?

By Mike Byrd


What role does disciple making play in planting churches?


What role does disciple making play in planting churches?

Published March 1, 2018

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Mike Byrd

In April 2013, Mike received the blessing and full support of his pastor to follow the leading of Holy Spirit to organize and form Faith Community Bible Church. Their mission is to "Promote Change through the Gospel of Jesus Christ." He is currently pursuing a degree in biblical counseling from Gateway Biblical Counseling & Training Center, which is a satellite school for Master’s International School of Divinity. Pastor Byrd is married to the love of his life, Traci, who supports him and encourages him to do the will of God. He’s also had the blessed opportunity to father four wonderful children: Triniti, Makayla, Michael Jr., and Tyler.