Will your church be a monument — or part of a movement?

By Noah Oldham

Q&A with Noah Oldham

Why give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering?

God gives us the opportunity to lead our churches to become either a monument or to be a part of a world-changing movement.

Twenty years from now, we will be able to look back upon what our ministry meant. If we give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) and lead our church to personal involvement in Send Network, our giving will pay dividends. We will see generations of the lost come to know Christ, churches multiplying in previous unchurched areas, and our stewarded dollars exponentially multiplied beyond what we could imagine!

How do you personally lead your church to give to the AAEO?

One of my main responsibilities as a lead pastor is to keep God’s big vision for our church in front of our people.

We face internal challenges of apathy, fear, doubt, and self-focus. We also face the external challenges of the world and the enemy. These challenges minimize what God wants to do in and through our church.

A huge part of this “big vision” God has for our church is belonging to a movement of church planting. This movement is Send Network. Because being a part of a church planting movement is a priority for our church, we put it in our budget to give monthly to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.

Likewise, every year on Palm Sunday we emphasize the AAEO by holding “Church Planter Sunday.” On that Sunday, we highlight all our current partners and have one or more of them preach. We do this to remind our church that we are a part of a huge family of churches — and that we have the opportunity and benefit of pouring into that family to advance the gospel all over North America.

What words of encouragement do you have for pastors who are preparing their congregation to give and pray for missionaries?

Cast a big, bold, biblical vision.

Our churches exist for the glory of God among the nations. Remember that when you invite them to participate. They aren’t just giving. And they aren’t just praying. They are joining in the glorious gospel mission of the Lord Jesus Christ to see His purposes accomplished in our generation.

What could be more important?

Why are you thankful for the sacrificial giving of Southern Baptists?

Southern Baptists don’t just give to an offering. They believe in and join in the calling of men and women all over North America.

A little over a decade ago, when I planted August Gate Church, Southern Baptists believed in me. Their giving may have been purposeful, or it may have simply been rote. But either way, their faithful giving has fueled God’s purposes in and through my life for the past 10 years. But not only in mine. August Gate has raised up and sent planters and missionaries all over St Louis and all over the world.

Southern Baptists helped do that!


Click here to learn more about fueling missions in North American.

Visit anniearmstrong.com to give today.

Published March 4, 2020

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Noah Oldham

Noah Oldham is the lead pastor of August Gate Church, a church he planted in St. Louis in 2009. He also serves as the Senior Director for Church Planter Deployment for the Send Network. Noah has been married to Heather since 2005, and God has graciously given them five children.