Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter
Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter Read More »
All roads may not lead to Indianapolis, but many do. More than 2 out of 3 Americans live within a day’s drive of the city, and more highways cross it than any other city in the U.S. It is truly the “Crossroads of America.”
Now is the time for the Church to use those roads to carry the gospel to the people of “Indy.” With more than 800,000 people in the city itself and close to 2 million people in the metro area, Indianapolis is the 11th largest city in the U.S. It is also one of the most unchurched. Only one out of five Indy residents go to church each weekend. More than a million people are not affiliated with any religious group.
Yet it’s the kind of metropolitan area where many people want to live and raise a family. It has an appealing balance of cosmopolitan style and small-town charm, with good schools, conservative values and a deep sense of patriotism.
Ironically, this good, clean lifestyle has possibly become the greatest stumbling block for the movement of the gospel. Many Indy residents believe they’re “good enough” and have no need for a Savior. Their search for the American Dream has drowned out their need for Jesus.
We believe the long-term answer to the city’s spiritual needs is in reproducible church plants that creatively engage the community with the gospel. And even though there are already teams in place to start the process, more help is desperately needed.
From planting a church to partnering with those already on mission in Indianapolis, you and your church can make a difference; connect with us to learn how.
Discover free tools and resources—blogs, podcasts, e-books and more—that will help you and your church effectively plant churches in your community.