Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter
Snowstorm doesn’t deter church launch in central Ohio for Send Network planter Read More »
Seattle is a place of superlatives. It is the first city in the United States to play a Beatles’ song on the radio, and it has the highest percentage per capita of library card holders. In fact, Seattle has been called the most literate city in America. It is the largest city at the highest latitude in America, and it is home to eight billionaires as well as the home base for business giants such as Microsoft, Boeing, Costco, Starbucks and Amazon.
But despite the success stories, there are also great struggles. The population has continued to increase and so has the number of homeless men, women and children. Crime, hunger, substance abuse—these issues have grown as well.
Though primarily Caucasian in years past, the population demographics are changing. An influx of immigrants from China, Cambodia, Ghana and other countries has created diverse neighborhoods and unique needs. With 187 Southern Baptist congregations, the Southern Baptist church-to-population ratio in Seattle’s combined statistical area is one church for every 25,798 people. And with an ethnic mix of as many as 17 percent foreign-born and 12 percent Asian, diversity demands cultural sensitivity.
The hope is that Send City efforts will reach the 4.7 million people of Puget Sound, from Tacoma to Bellingham and beyond. With church planters like Ivan Montenegro, who has already helped plant four churches and has eight more in the works, the goal of 135 new churches in five years is within reach.
From planting a church to partnering with those already on mission in Seattle, you and your church can make a difference; connect with us to learn how.
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