Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.
Prayer requests are featured each week from your North American missionaries and SBC chaplains. Subscribe below to PrayerConnect to receive these in your inbox.
Pray for our church and for our family’s financial situation. Pray for all missionaries from the North American Mission Board.
Pray God our Lord will help our personal lives reflect Jesus. Public tendencies can be imitated by society and are easy to be absorbed. Pray God will help us to resist those tendencies.
Pray our church will grow through the encouragement of leaders. Pray they will be strengthened in faith.
We ask for prayer in several areas. We are maxing out our space and ask God to provide us with a space we can use for several new paths of ministry. The Lord has given us a vision for a transitional living house where people can work on further spiritual, physical, emotional and vocational transformation. We need a church planting residency. We need more missions work to use in our own space. We are asking God to give us a clearer vision for launching another church plant across town to reach a group of similar people who are currently unreached. We need a clearer vision for replanting a dying work in town to provide a Sunday work where our folks can serve while also assisting to reach another part of our city. We ask God to provide a new church bus that seats more people. We are currently making multiple trips in our current 12 passenger bus, and it’s old and needs some work. We are seeking new church partners to come alongside us and support our work. Pray we will have continued focus on the mission God’s given us. Pray for financial prosperity for our family. We’ve had many setbacks with things breaking, such as our home, cars, etc. It’s become laughable, but it’s definitely taking a toll. Thanks so much for praying for us!
My wife, Karla, has been diagnosed with leukemia and is receiving chemotherapy. She does not have health insurance, and we need your prayers, please. May God heal and supply for needs. Thank you.
Pray for an increase in winning souls. Pray for church stability and sustainability.
Pray for us and with us as we seek a building in which to meet for Sunday worship services. Pray for our evangelistic efforts and for our youth outreach events. Pray for our single adults monthly Bible study meetings.
Greater New Grove is a new church plant, and we are meeting on Zoom for the time being. We need prayer for the pastor and first lady as we work diligently to grow this congregation spiritually. Then, we ask you to pray that we can find a building in which we can worship. Lastly, we need prayer that we can grow our finances so we can do God’s work.
We are recruiting individuals and families to join our launch team. About a dozen people have shown interest, and we ask for prayers that God will continue to build our team. We desire that God will send us people who are burdened to reach the people of Pasco County. We ask God to give us a missionary force to partner with us in sharing the gospel and discipling new believers.
We humbly ask for your prayers as we prepare to publicly launch Crosslink Church Hillsborough on Sunday, May 4, 2025. Our launch team is working to build meaningful connections with the people of Hillsborough, N.C., and we ask for God’s guidance as we seek natural and genuine ways to engage with our neighbors, coworkers, and those around us. Pray we would be faithful to live as the salt and light of Jesus, showing His love and truth in all we do. Pray that hearts in this community would be open to the gospel and that we would walk in wisdom, kindness, and boldness as we approach this exciting new chapter. Thank you for joining us in lifting up this mission to the Lord!
Thank you for praying for us as part of the Week of Prayer for North American Missions. We were in last week’s Prayer Connect, but we are experiencing an unexpected season in our lives and need urgent prayer. Ashley has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that needs aggressive treatment requiring significant travel to another state for the next eight months. We are walking forward in faith, trusting God’s plan for our family, our ministry, and Ashley’s healing. Pray for Ashley’s healing—ask God to work powerfully through the treatment, eliminating every cancer cell completely. Pray for healing, strength, and peace. Pray for endurance and safe travels as we make the long trip back and forth for treatment in the coming months. Pray for our church and leaders as they step up in new ways. God has been preparing these leaders for this moment. Pray for them as they take on more responsibility, and thank God for raising up circuit preachers who are ready to step in. Pray for our children. Pray they would be resilient, comforted and surrounded by support and deep assurance that they are held in God’s hands, though life looks differently for a season. We are grateful for your prayers.
Pray the gospel will be shared with the soldiers in my unit. Pray the Lord will keep our unit and family members safe as we are deployed to Korea. Pray for my family as they continue to adjust to a new lifestyle in Washington State while I have been deployed.
We would like prayer for guidance and more partners and that God will send volunteers as we plant Redemption City Community Church. We plan to launch on September 21 of this year, and we want to launch successfully. Thank you.
We will deploy to Kosovo in April. This is our third deployment and most likely the last one. Pray for me as the time nears. There are many, many things to ready before I go. Pray for peace, wisdom, safety and strength for Jenn as she holds down the fort. Also, pray for my senior parents. My dad has been struggling through some recent health issues, and my mom’s mental health is declining. Pray we would have knowledge and wisdom as we navigate these waters. Your prayers are appreciated.